One of the oldest and most visible aspects of the SCA, armored combat can showcase one metal-clad warrior against another; allow a handful of fighters to engage a similar group; or even, ultimately, bring together armies of over 1,000 people on a side to fight in large melees.
To participate in armored combat you will need to learn our rules, procedures, and customs, and acquire armor and weapons. We have a heavy-weapons marshal who will happily guide you along the path to becoming a qualified fighter, which means that you have been approved for safety in regards to yourself and others.
As for armor, you will need at least an enclosed helmet and protection for neck & throat, sternum, kidneys, groin, elbows, and knees. You may want additional protection. Some of this armor must be metal; other parts can be hardened-leather. We have some loaner equipment for use during instruction.
When fighting, you will choose one or more types of weapons, including sword and shield; pole-arm; two-handed sword; spear; etc. We make our weapon shafts and handles out of rattan. Some weapons have solid-foam tips or shaped additions such as axe-heads.
You may also participate in armored combat as an archer, using a standard bow or crossbow, which will shoot one of two special type of projectile, which you will need to make or purchase. The same minimal set of armor must be worn. Combat archers can participate in some – but not all – heavy weapons events, and those will be outdoors with a suitably safe open area where flying missiles will not cause damage or harm.
If you’re interested in armored combat, contact our marshal to express your interest, and attend one of our weekly meetings to get going.